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How would you become a superhero, crime fighter, or vigilante?

I thought this would be a fun mental exercise.

Imagine that you, not some fantastic version of yourself, decided to take the law into your own hands- No superpowers or magic, just your body and wit.

If you're looking for an example, think Batman.

Suggested things to include: A short description of who you are, what you will do to prepare yourself- for example fitness program, social contacts, equipment (weapons, first aid, suit, etc.), and why you wish to fight crime.

And, be honest with yourself- can you actually harm another human being for the sake of justice?

Feel free to include other creative details, like a pseudonym, personal ethical code, or description of your costume, to flesh out your ideas.

I will award the best answer to the most realisitic, thoughtful, and believable response.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Batman's a crime fighter. I have always been against the idea that he's a super hero, because he doesn't have any super powers. Just a whole lot of money, a butler, and a cool car.

I would personally be the worse crime fighter/vigilante imaginable. I am a pacifist and can hardly kill a mosquito. I would try and stop the bad guys with my wit and charm, and in turn would get killed probably my first day on the job.