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Art contest for pageant?

i am doing an art contest for a pageant and here are the rules:
Create a collage using different figures that show where your intrests are. As an example, maybe you like soccer, pizza, school, and horses. In this example you would drae something representative of these in each of the four spaces on the recerse side of this page, finish the backgrounds using you inagination.

ok so i dont know how i should do this thing. I like ballet singing, cupcakes, and swimming. please help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Use a posterboard instead of contruction paper. Visit your local scrapbook store or hobby store and get some blue with waves on it to do the background on your swimming part...same w/ the other 3 parts. They have lots of cool die cuts and things you can use to help decorate with and also add some pics of you doing these things..On your cupcake one you could even put some unused cupcake liners on it...the judges want a piece that is original, has lots or details and looks like someone your age made it. Good Luck!