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What is "militia sunday"?

Hi. While reading The Nebuly Coat, I came across the following passage and wondered what "militia sunday" is.
The spiritual needs of Cullerne were amply served by this portion of the church (=choir) alone, and, except at confirmations or on Militia Sunday, the congregation never overflowed into the nave.
Is there anyone who knows about it? I appreciate any suggestions and information. Thanks!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Militia men used to be selected at random and once a year, on a sunday, the list of names was posted on tehe parish church. Thi sis probaly what the above relates too, espcially as it seems to be regarding a chruch.

The English militia was a kind of early 'home guard', raised to defend the nation against invasion or rebellion. It did not serve overseas. Able-bodied men aged 18 to 45 years were eligible for the militia. However, there were exemptions for poor men who had three or more children born in wedlock (reduced to one child in 1786) and certain professions such as clergymen, apprentices, articled clerks and parish constables.

Men served in the militia for three years and were chosen by ballot. However, few men whose names were drawn in the ballot actually served in person! Those who could afford to pay for a substitute usually did so and parishes were allowed to provide volunteers in place of the drawn men.

Once a year, on a Sunday morning, a militia list was displayed on the door of the parish church. Militia men spent 28 days a year in training, during which time they were billeted in public houses and paid according to a scale laid down by Act of Parliament.