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Why do some people on yahoo ask such stupid questions?

I have been reading some questions that people have asked, and some of them are totally unnecessary and completely stupid questions that arent worth asking. Before some of these people ask these questions, they should look it up on the internet or something before they make themselves look like total idiots to the public. Hope this helps to those it concerns.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The mind often astounds one with its lack of intelligence and common sense, doesn't it. Some questions are asked simply to get a rise from those who surf Yahoo Answers. It is often difficult not to read those questions because one can't quite believe they were asked, and it's too tempting to peek into the ramblings of an idiot. In general, I do not answer the obviously inane questions, nor those to which I have no answer because I haven't a clue what they are talking about. Some questions are vulgar and a response should be made by no one. Those I simply report. I also report responses that contain foul language beyond what is commonly acceptable. Regardless of attempts to weed out the idiotic from the logical, occasionally I respond to something that is easily available on the web. It makes the person who asked the question happy, and I am satisfied that I did the best I could to respond. Not all people are logical thinkers. To avoid the annoyances, it's best to move from the general questions into the more indepth areas of Yahoo Answers. Find the areas that are of particular interest to you. It won't eliminate all the idiotic questions, but there will be less of them.