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This is a question for all you writers.?

HAve you ever exsperienced a time when you wanted to write badly but something inside of you was holding you back? How did you over come this? What was this time like? How do you express yourself? Please be as decriptive as possible. Thanks for you time, effort , and thoughts. I will choose a best answer.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

What was it like? Frustrating, and self-perpetuating. The not-so-funny thing about writer's block is its nasty little habit of settling in for a long visit. The more you dwell on it, the worse it gets. The little trickster (as you can see, I've thoroughly animated writer's block by now) loves to show up when I'm off to a late start in writing an article and not totally in love with the subject matter to begin with.

I don't claim to have a universal cure; like the flu, writer's block comes in many strains (and for all I know it mutates). But there's only one thing that works for me: Walking away from the computer and very deliberately NOT dwelling on either the project or my suddenly dried-up well of words. Doing something else, anything else. That usually means my house gets very clean, and in severe cases my garage does, too.

At worst, it lasts a few days. Usually a night's rest, perhaps two, does the trick -- in direct proportion to how successful I've been at NOT obsessing about the problem.

For what it's worth.