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Have you ever won someone over with poetry?

My sister wasn't talking to me for about five days then in the night I thought what should I do and something said tell her whats in your heart then I got inspiration, it wasn't the best poem in the world but it rhymed and worked. Now I'm thinkoing poetry really works. Does it?

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It did for me and I didn't even realise it. When we were courting (a billion years ago) I wrote a short poem for my (then) boyfriend and sent it with one of the millions of letters I wrote to him (no email or mobile phones back then). Recently (30 years of wedded bliss (!) later), he was clearing out his wallet and handed me a crumpled piece of paper. It was my poem. He'd kept it all that time and never said a word.
Try it, you may never know, but it's surely worth the effort!