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Writer's block...what should happen next?

Help! I'm involved in a group story and I'm at an impasse. Here's the scenario: my character is having a knife fight with someone else's character. My character is pinned to the ground and just got cut across the face. I need to make another move but here's the problem:

1.) My character has no weapon at the moment.
2.) My character cannot die (it's a rule).
3.) My character is a 16 year old half starved girl and the other person's character is a full grown man. So obviously there's some difference in strength.

Any ideas on what I should write? I need to have something by tomorrow or I'm out of the game. And no, she can't kick him in the nuts because I already used that move.

Additional Details

8 months ago
Hey sorry, I forgot to mention this. This story is set in 19th century France. And I can ONLY control my character, not anyone else's.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

there are SOOOO many possibilities....for dramatic effect you could write...

His arm rose high above me. The blade of the knife in his grasp glistened for an instant as it crossed paths with, and reflected, the street light from above. ...Then, like a guillotine being steadied above me; the arm, the clenched fist, the blade, began their final descent toward me.
My knees instantly jerked up in reflex to the impending death blow, my eyes shut tight as if the pain of sharp, glistening metal soon to pierce me, would somehow absorb any pain of death. The unexpected reflex of my knees pulling up into fetal position caught the weight of his chest as his entire body cocooned me; a black, hovering shadow of rage silhouetted against the street light above. A harsh, painful gasp suddenly pushed out from within my chest as his body bore down on me, pushing my knees hard against my chin, ...agony!....the back of my head forced even harder onto the pavement. "uggggh!".
"Huuuh...!" replied my grim reaper... the momentum of his final descent gave way to the serendipity of this chance collision, ultimately altering, by what must have been mere centimeters, my fate, as blade crashed instead onto the pavement with a burst, like a tuning fork reverberating in high pitched echo in my ear.
Instantly a grinding squeal of metal, momentum and cement exploded, sending tiny fragments of sidewalk spraying up onto my ear and the side of my face... then one, final shreak of breaking, snapping metal ..."PING"! ... then a moment later; "AHHHHHHHH".!!!.... an agonized shreak, laced with the sound of hot, shearing pain. For a split, sublime second I was strangely amazed by what I thought was the sound of me dying.
My eyes flashed open, the street light above me pierceing blindly for a second my vision as his massive force suddenly gave way, went oddly limp and rolled off from atop me. Then, shockingly, I realized, it was not from within me that the agonizing cry had emerged. I scrammbled back, my legs fiercly kicking the rest of his weight from off of me as I gazed fearfully at him. All the while confused at what so quickly had happened until I suddenly glimpsed the blood streaming down his hand as he pressed it tight over his right eye...."AHHHHHHH"...This time the sound of his pain was mingled with anger, my serendipity was his bain.
My body remembering again it's pain as I struggled to get to my feet, bracing myself against the cold metal pole where the street light perched above.
My heart skipped a beat as I suddenly noticed the knife just inches from his grasp, but it lay there. No attempt made by him to reach out for it, to finish me off like had been intended.
I realized then, incredulously, what had happenened as I stepped slowly, painfully, cautiously back, away from the cool touch of the metal light pole as I caught the instant glistening of the street light above reflected in the broken shaft of metal that lay next to his writhing, bloody faced heap of flesh.
'RUN!' the voice in my head yelled out to me...