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Does it sometimes seem that we who labor so long and lovingly are merely surrogates for Joseph K.?

in Franz Kafka's "The Trial" and dangerously close to undergoing an even more atrocious and hideous metamorphosis? Do the unseen court and invisible justices sometimes get your goat too? Or have you simply given up, become complacent and finally accepted the fate meted out to you by the high priests of Jurisprudence?

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9 months ago
Sorry, I can't be any more specific or the court will have me banished.

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I must have gazed at the bronze statue of Franz Kafka in Prague for at least an hour or so when I visited there last year! (Prague, btw, is still one of the truly awe-inspiring and romantic cities of the world.) ?? But getting back to your question, and funny you should ask: The statue??s ??black hole??, where the missing head ??might?? have customarily been placed, reminded me so such of the left out ??unspecified crime?? in The Trial of "Josef K." – an unfinished ghost of a man supporting an existentialist anomaly; sad and yet gleaming with glorious life. ?? And if the full force of the ironic and surreal injustice shall be brought upon my being, then let the shadow of all that IS carry me away towards the light of Freedom – even as my ill-timed proclamation of innocence, and hence my denial of the human race, obliterates all hopes of controlling my own earthly fate. ?? Let them accuse me of nonconformity of beliefs, of not admitting my humanity, but if that??s the price that I must pay to keep my being vibrant, then I am categorically guilty as charged, Your Honor.