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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Islamic prayers, which make my nervousness go away. I wish to know a prayer, wh


Islamic prayers, which make my nervousness go away. I wish to know a prayer, which will make me feel good.?

Something i can say when i close my eyes, i can breathe it when i cant say outloud. Something overall, which will make me feel good as i say it. An intention to heal. I have school soon, and i hate the thought. Plus my body odor problem, if anyone knows a prayer please post, or give me a link.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

ok, i've read this and your other questions. You need to talk to someone.
1. Stop the suicide talk.
2. How old are you? if you are a minor, please talk to your parents about your upsettedness about the bo thing, and school...but you need someone to help you. If not your parents, you need to talk to a doctor or your counselor at school. This is NOT something you should be afraid to ask for help with!
3. it is not uncommon for you to feel sick and woried about these situations, and turn to God -- Prayer is AWESOME. Just speak to him quietly in your head. If you need a specific PRAYER, then pick a statement and request -- to repeat silently tocalm yourself...for instance "Allah I love you, and i know you love me. I know you are here. Please bring me peace." and repeat. He hears your every word and every thought. You need not say something "specific" or "published". He is here watching and listening right now. he sees your pain, and wishes that you would turn to someone here for help. Find someone to talk to TODAY.
Peace be with you today and every day. You will be fine.