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Good poem?

Can someone suggest a good poem to recite for my speech class (I'm still in high school so nothing too complex plz). It has to be from 3-5 minutes long.

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An excellent poem, if you can find a good translation, is Federico Garc㭡 Lorca's "La Suite de Los Espejos," or "Mirror Suite." It is composed of many smaller poems, and you could read some or all of them. Here's my favorite, which is called "Earth":

We walk on
an unsilvered
a crystal surface
without clouds.
If lilies would grow
if roses would grow
if all those roots could see the stars,
& the dead not close
their eyes,
we would become like swans.

Lorca was a tremendously sophisticated poet, but he wrote poetry that is outwardly very simple and certainly not hard to read.