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Will i ever become succesful as a designer.???

I have been studying design for almost 5 years, and have been taught to industrial and graphic design, but its difficult to express myself in these fields of design. Can anyone tell me how to start or where to go, or contact.?!?!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I don't know if you've already done it but it definitely helps to build a portfolio. Depending on what field you want to get into, you should shop your portfolio around doing a lot of cold calls. I also highly recommend starting small and doing some freelance gigs here and there wherever you can find it. Hopefully you're located near a big city because the opportunities are ENDLESS. Don't feel like there is no hope. I know people in the same area who haven't gone to college but are successful in terms of them being able to work in the field that they want to work in. good luck!!!