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Help pick out all the transitionall words?

The Museum of Jurassic Technology in Los Angeles is filled with wonderful things. Inside, you can find pictures made out of costume jewelry and tiny sculptures small enough to fit on the head of a pin. There is an exhibit about a bat which can supposedly fly through walls, and another about the history of trailer parks in the United States. A third exhibit presents letters written to the scientists at an astronomical observatory. Some of these letters are very strange; fo instance, one of them claims that gravity does not exist. In fact, the entire museum is fairly strange. That is why it is so much fun, though: when you go in, you never know what odd things you will discover!..........

I picked out the following: inside, third, for instance, in fact, and though. Did I miss any?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

A third
for instance
In fact

Just remember that transition words are used for coherence and clarity. They can mark order, comparison/contrast, cause and effect, classification, definition, etc.