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Could anybody help me to find the poem Easter Day by Ricard Crashaw?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Hey Sondos,

The first site listed below.


Rise, Heir of Eternity,
From Thy Virgin Tomb :
Rise mighty man of wonders, and Thy world with Thee
Thy Tombe, the universal East,
Nature's new womb,
Thy Tombe, fair Immortalities perfumed Nest.

Of all the Glories Make Noon gay
This is the Morn.
This rock buds forth the fountain of the streams of Day.
In joys white Annals live this hour,
When life was born,
No cloud-scowl on his radiant lids no tempest-lower.

Life, by this light's Nativity
All creatures have.
Death only by this Days just Doom is forc't to Die ;
Nor is Death forc't ; for may he lie
Thron'd in Thy Grave ;
Death will on this condition be content to Die.