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Please rate my poem from 1-10?

"My brother"

My brother is very special......
If you look it is clear to see.
But keep in mind, he is a person,
Just like you and me.

Sometimes people look and stare,
Strangers I do not know,
I used to let it anger me
But I've learned to let it go.

Like you he has thoughts and feeling.
Like you, he has eyes and ears.
There are times he gets so fustrated,
And sheds many tears.

His condition is not an accident.
His condition is not a curse.
I can either make the best of it,
Or I can make the worst.

He is confined to his wheel chair.
There he will stay for the rest of his life.
It breaks my heart to think
He will never have children or a wife.

I see him sitting alone.
And in my eyes forms a tear.
I just wish I had the power to make
His condition
Go away and disapper.

When there is conversation,
He listens closely to every word.
I know it greatly fustrates him,
To know his opinion won't be heard.

Additional Details

8 months ago
His speech is not easily understood.
His words are slow and slurred.
Most people do not pay attention,
To his words that go unheard.

You may not understand at first,
His words that you may hear.
But if you listen,
His speech becomes quite clear.

You might not think so by looking,
But he is actually very smart.
His mind is amazing
And truly a work of art.

He knows his states and capitols.
And the places in which they go.
So if you??re really smart,
Ask yourself, ??How many of these
Do I know???

He also knows all his presidents,
In order and by name.
To us, it??s a difficult test to study for,
But to him, it??s just a game.

He is as innocent as a baby,
Completely without sin.
I am so comforted to know
Everything will turn out okay at the very end.

I just can??t wait for the wonderful day
That Jesus, him and me
Will walk side by side and talk together
For all eternity??

8 months ago
So when you see one like my brother,
Remember my words and do not stare.
Instead just give a friendly smile,
And let them know you care.

Written for my 16 year old brother, Jared, who has cerebral palsy.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I am the father of a severely disabled daughter. She nerely died at birth but was resucitated. Thsi happened several times over a number of days, losing her and getting her back. She has cerebal palsy. As she grew from a baby to a toddler she couldn't walk or even sit up.

Because of finances she stayed in a stroller until we got a small wheel chair. Yes people looked, they stared, they pointed.

We had to go to a family members wedding once. Another person would come lest their children caught our daughters condition. How sick can you get.

We were given a disabled parking permit by the government to make things easier. Even that brought out the scoffers "what a permit for a child, she doesn't look disabled and so on." One day it came too much and followed this joker in to the job and smacked him in the head.

But while she'll never be able to anything for herself, my little girl has the most beautiful smile, the most contagious laugh and the strongest will.

I have two other children and they love their sister dearly. I love my little girl dearly. Like you I wish I could make her condition go away. I would lay down my own life if tomorrow, she could get up walk and have a life like you and me. To have a husband, children, to voice her opinion like you and me.

You see you are right: being different doesn't mean you are different.

Oh and yes your poem is the most beautiful gift I have received today. It made me think of my daughter, your brother, it made me cry.