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Do you think that Jay Gatsby's goal of trying to win love through the attainment of success, is possible?

That is, if the luxury of another person's love is a luxury that is closed off to you, do you think that striving to attain economic and financial success is a plausible path to take? Do you think it is pragmatic? Do you think it is wise? Why or why not. This isn't a homework assignment or anything, but please feel free to express your full opinion. I am just curious as to what people think, both within the context of the novel and with regards to their perceptions of the relationship between wealth and love.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

It seems to me that people are generally guided what is useful to them, and their emotions follow.

One seldom hears of people falling in love with tramps, or those with few pros[pects (the ill, the elderly, the foolish), and it is apparant to me that whenwever I have had money I have been considerably more attractive to the opposite sex than when I have been short.

Whether becoming rich would work with a specific individual, such as Daisy, is, however, another matter.