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Any one good at art ?

i need to know 2 artists who are interested in african art
and i have no ideas
pleasee !

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8 months ago
i need to know 2 artists who are interested in african art
and i have no ideas
masks !!!!!! african masks

8 months ago
i am getting stressed now because t is for my corse work and i need to find the info and print it then present it and it has to be handed in on monday and its saturday night

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

If this is for highschool i would go with this :

Influences Picasso and Matisse

Picasso incorporated the ceremonial masks of the Dogon tribe into his groundbreaking cubist work, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907-09). As Picasso addressed geometry and form, Henri Matisse drew upon African art to unite bold color and ceremonial patterns with results that spearheaded the Fauve masterpiece, The Green Stripe (1912). Matisse's treatise, Notes of a Painter, described how his arbitrary use of bold color stirred the emotions and related to the ritualistic origins of African art. While the pioneers of early 20th century European modernism connected African art to painting, sculptors across the Atlantic surveyed the history of Africa's totems and carvings. The American direct carvers (e.g., William Zorach, Chaim Gross, Jo Davison) worked in the early decades of the 20th century and reintroduced curators, collectors, and connoisseurs to the physical nature of sculpting via the forms of the Dark Continent. In the history of sculpture, the American direct carvers rejected Rodin's cast-bronze stronghold in favor of direct carving in wood.

good luck!