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What do people apply to on a blog?

I am making a blog, but no one never replies. What kind of stuff gets their attention? Give me some ideas please!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Here are some ideas how to get more readers to your blog. More readers means more replies/comments:

1. Visit lots of other people's blogs and reply in their blogs, typing in your blog address. Bloggers usually will return the favour by also going to your blog, reading it and dropping a comment.

2. Go to to see what are the most searched topics for the day. These are the topics that interest people now. If you blog about that topic, your blog will come out in search results and people go to your blog to read about it.

3. Make sure you actually write something worth reading. If you "trick" people into going to your blog to read about hot topics, but you only write, say, two lame sentences on it, people won't come back again.

4. Be consistent in updating your blog. If there's always something new to read and it's something interesting, people will keeping coming back and they'll be more likely to post replies.

5. Put interesting pictures in your blog. People get bored if they see only text all the time.

6. Make use of RSS feeds. (You can ask another question on that if you don't know what that means. =P)

Ok, that's about it for starters. Good luck to your blog! =)