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Need ideas for Christmas party talent show.?

I need some ideas,every year our office has a talent show contest. It will be on December 15th, it is suppose to be a christmas theme we sing dance and have even role played. I have been the one to come up with the ideas for the last four years and I am exhausted from ideas this year.Anyone have any ideas. it will be three women and a man and I could get others to participate if needed. We have a pianist and three to four good singers in all areas we have an alto, tennor, and suprano. please help me with an idea.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Parties For Neighbors
Enlist at least two outgoing guests to help you make introductions. Instead of gifts, organize a future neighborhood activity where everyone can pitch in such as a spring planting, a summer block party, an Easter egg hunt, or autumn leaf raking. Give gift certificates of time to each other, offering to shovel snow in the winter, take care of pets while someone is vacationing, or baby-sit a newborn so parents can have a night out.

Parties For Co-workers
Organize a "Secret Santa" giveaway or ask your guests to bring funny gifts for a grab bag. Holidays are a good opportunity to meet the families of co-workers. Plan activities that allow everyone to mingle and learn more about each other. Ask guests with special talents to entertain. An aspiring magician can perform magic, someone who has a great voice can read "A Christmas Carol," and someone who likes to sing can lead the caroling.

The goal of a holiday party is to put everyone in a festive mood and set the tone for the