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I need an idea for our office Christmas party talent show.?

I need some ideas,every year our office has a talent show contest. It will be on December 15th, it is suppose to be a christmas theme we sing dance and have even role played. I have been the one to come up with the ideas for the last four years and I am exhausted from ideas this year.Anyone have any ideas. it will be three women and a man and I could get others to participate if needed. We have a pianist and three to four good singers in all areas we have an alto, tennor, and suprano. please help me with an idea.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

One that never fails is a great impromptu script. Pick a song, something simple, "happy birthday" , "good morning" , or even "Hail to the chief", and let the singers belt the tune ochapelo. For your participants, they have to act out what is going on, and the audience picks, the titles. Such as " blind man" , and " buisness woman", and " taxi driver" . The great gass is that you and your fellow mates get to improv, while the the musicians do their thing to an easy tune. Plus it get's you into the crowd, and lets you pick out ideas. Anything involving the audience is a winner for sure. Just make sure a good peronality, does it! Let me know how it turns out!