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Do you think that we will see any major art movements...?

in the near future that will influence society as it has done in the past? Or are we encouraged to be individualists so as not to feel the desire to collaborate on large scale projects, sociologically and psychologically? Has it become too commercial?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think we do, and we shall. Movements from the past seem stronger and more clear cut because we are looking at them with hind-sight and with a historical filter - it is more difficult to tell what will last and what is important when immersed in the present. But there are many interesting art movements happening right now, not least the emergence of chinese contemporary art. Regarding the commercial aspect, art has always had an alliance of one sort or another with the commercial world, and needs to - but I do think we have gone beyond the excesses of the eighties and nineties - there is life after Saatchi!