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What do you think of this ....?

Wearing her Ipod she walks the night listening to music , A Soft ballad of Ozzy and Lita sing into her mind . She stands against the XXX Porn shop watching People go in and out . Keeley Knew The time was comeing .. Something was comeing for her.

Smelling the Air it was going to be dark and damp and shitty, Kitty Liked this cornor for some odd reason the people or the color brought her here. Never one to stay in one place for long . Heck she didn't even know what Friends are.. All she knew that some kind of evil was comeing ...

She was going to need help , She wasn't ready yet she wanted to scream to her self ... Music was changeing it was time to move.. Walking back to the alley she climbed the fire escape... Reaching to the roof she walks across to look out at Sin City.

Yup! thinking to her self she is going to have to get her some weapons because whatever was comeing she could see the light in the sky it was comeing fast and hard for her......

Shakeing her head Where

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7 months ago
LOL don't mind the grammer and bad spelling

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

i like it. its interesting, different.