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hi i need help cause im notfriends with my bestfriends cause I had to move to another class and now i have new friends and my best friends let me chose who my real bestfriends and I picked the new friends now my bestfriends are so mad at me beacause i have 4 new friends like me but my old friends are so mad at me whenever i say hi they say u suck and your lame and dont even look at me so what should do gat my old friends back or pick myn new friends my new friends are nicer but my old friends doesn't want me to hang out with girl but I my new friends are 2 girls and 1 boys who should I pick new or old freinds

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Your original friends aren't really being friends, are they? If the people you were friends with originally were your friends they would accept your new relationships you have built. However, depending on your age I can see why you would have to make the choice. Now you will just have to ask yourself a few questions.
1. Who am I more comfortable around?
2. Who do I have the most fun with?
3. Is there a possibility I can salvage all relationships?
4. Could my first friends just be jeolous of the new relationships?
5. Who allows me to be myself?
I think once you answer all these questions, you sould be able to make the right decision. Just remember that people come and go in our lives. Most friendships don't stand the test of time. I currently only talk to one person that I considered a friend when I was young.