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Poetry help!?

I am writing a poem about a CHEESE GRAUTER for Social Studys. I KNOW it sound REALLY wacko but its the truth dont realy have any choice lol thank you, umm the discrictiom is on the bottom. My teacher said that we had to find at least 7 things about it then write what I have on my page.]


1. Color: Rusted silver and red.
2. Where: In France.
3. Scent: Smells like rotten Cheese.
4. Shapes: A circle, and a cube.
5. Sounds: Sounds like metal.
6: Feelings: Disgusting feeling.
7. Movements: Dosen't move unnless you move the handle.
8. Texture: Rough and solid.
9. What: A Cheese grater.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

what kind of poem does it have to be?