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(knocking on elfwoods door.) anyone here from elfwood?

I've been trying to get into elfwood for over a month now.
and this is how it goes....

first time i filled out their form just like it said telling me i would get the confirmation after a while as the choosing process
is done by real people.

and so two days later i get an e-mail telling me I wasn't excepted
on account of bad spelling from the part where you are suppose to
describe you're self (i checked it out.)
and it was one word with a letter missing ""one word"" and the thing was like forty words.

correcting it i got no answer.
Signing up again no answer, not even for spelling.
i even tried a different e-mail to no success.(both e-mails work)

did anyone else their have this problem?
I'm trying to get in as a writer and I'd really appreciate the help.

still knockiing

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

yes actually youre right