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Do you like my poem? just say what you feel?

It took so long for your world smoke,
That let us, your own children choke,
To find your lair, and punnish you,
For not believing, our cries were true.

While we were born with hands together,
Were you there with us? no not ever.
No matter what commands you said,
Inside our hearts, we wished you dead.

For then we knew, the prayers we say,
Were always meant for better days.
When a snake of evil, was always dismissed,
And maybe then, you did exist.

While we were striving to survive,
We waited for your death to arrive.
We didn't know, all we had to do,
Was turn our wounded backs on you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

not really quite sure what the message you are trying to covey is but I gather its rooted in issues you have in blind faith belief of god and religion. nice attempt in writing poetry although your choice of words could use a little
more thought in structuring lines that actually make sence