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Is spongebob gay?

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I agree w/ the general opinion here that he's asexual.....ALTHOUGH....there were some things that made me wonder.....One, being that episode where SB & Patrick were (literally) quarrelling like husband & wife over "raising" a little clam baby....Sure it was funny....But still, made me wonder if they were having a little TOO much fun "roleplaying" *LOL*

The other was a time I once saw a little kid wearing a SB shirt, and it was what was on that shirt that made me double-take. It had SB and patrick hanging on ropes or vines or something and captioned underneath in giant letters was the word "SWINGERS"!!!

I know, I's supposed to be cause they're pictured hanging rope to rope....but it makes me there a euphemism in there I detect?? *LOL* know what the word "swinger" means in gay circles.... I'm just as confused as YOU!! *LOL* Sorry I didn't help!!