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What do these symbols represent in poetry?

hello everyone. im trying to analyze a poem and im having some trouble with it. the song speaks a lot about the tide and the ocean and currents. it also says a little about the sea and tempests. what do these kinds of things usually represent in poetry??? i have to analyze this poem for school and if you could at least lead to me a website that would help me with this problem i would greatly appreciate and i would enjoy hearing your thoughts on this. thank you all so much :):):)

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6 months ago
here is the poem is you want to see it :)

You are the lighthouse, the seamark
The tempests created this tide
I??m pulled to the black silver ocean
where the current and the heavens collide

You are the brick
I am so unpredictable
led by the current away
Your solid stage is so necessary to save
all those who stray

You are the navigator who never could lead
we were lost in the silver sea
I was the ship who was too proud to ever sink.

I am your thought but the water is amnesia
my name is on the tip of your tongue
My image is slipping
oh, your memory is gripping it
this is my breath in your lungs

You are the navigator who never could lead
we were lost in the silver sea
I was the ship who was too proud to ever sink.

Echo, my voice is an echo
of places I don??t know
and stories I??ve been told

Echos. We all are connected
a lighthouse a voyage
for history??s sake,
would you please take notice?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Stanza 1: They're talking about how someone is their 'lighthouse', or beacon, through the 'tempests' (storms) that created a tide (a problem or feeling) that is pulling them into the cold depths of the ocean (depression, negative feelings).

Stanza 2: The person they're talking about seems to them to have everything under control ('constant'); this is also a reference to the person being a 'constant beacon' to the writer. The writer's feelings are fickle and unpredictable, like the rough waters of the ocean, which are dragging them around in the rough tide. The writer wants the 'constant beacon' from the 'lighthouse' to guide him back to 'shore' ('your solid stage is so necessary to save all those who stray').

Stanza 3: The person has everything under control, yet either is not aware of it or doesn't have the courage to take the lead and 'navigate' them out of the 'sea'. The writer was 'too proud' to ask for help ('sink')

Stanza 4: 'I am your thought but the water is amnesia', my name is on the tip of your tongue'- the person may think of the writer, but is distracted by the amnesiatic 'tides' and 'tempests' of the 'ocean' and forgets about the writer. But now the writer mentions that the person might want to remember them; vaguely, however ('your memory is gripping it').

Stanza 5: That's a repeat. It's used to magnify that this particular stanza is a point that the writer wants to get across more strongly. I would pay close attention to this.

Stanza 6: Their voice fades away slowly ('echoes') as 'the tide' takes them away. 'Places I don't know and stories I've been told' could refer to strange feelings or new stances on a subject.

Stanza 7: The repetition of 'echoes' is also very important to the writer; watch that. 'A lighthouse voyage'- he wants 'the lighthouse' to lead the 'voyaging ship that's too proud to sink' back to 'shore' with its kind beacon.

To me the poem basically sounds like a guy moping about how a girl won't notice him and that it's hurting him. But poems can always be interpreted differently by different people.

Hope this helps! :D