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Are there any interior designers who can help me or anyone else in this area?

Hi! im in need of some guidance! I am in Building Surveying and Building Control at present doing an apprenticeship for five years(in my second year) at a multidisciplinary practice. I really love interior design and was wondering if there was any chance when I have finished my studies, an interior design firm would think I was worth taking on. If so if there was any qualifications I would need to get or whether it can be learnt through working. I already have a Degree in Built Heritage Conservation and Leisure and Tourism Studies plus G.C.S.E Art and an A-level in History of Art. Or if there is anyone who can give me any other ideas of careers in interiors or art around this area that I may enjoy. I would be grateful of any help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:


(ANS) Basically interior design has had its profile raised recently by a number of TV programs, so interior designers have become a very trendy profession of late.

However, if your seriously interested in becoming involved in interior design I think you need to look very carefully at your own skills, qualities and talents. Interior designers have to be very visual people with excellent eye sight for line, shape, form and colour palette, and ontop of that they need to have a very good appreciation of how space & design are used on a purely functional level too, and finally how to actually manage the process of change and of managing clients (and there often unrealistic expectations). You have to be a very good time manager and a very good communicator and not be to shy to promote yourself lots (most interior designers are freelance or self employed).

**The best pathway into interior design is via either College courses taken at night school over several weeks (such as an HND course) or a full blown x3 year degree course.

**It sounds like you have much of the correct grounding in other areas that would bolt onto interior design quite well but do you have the artist & design talent as well that would be my main question to you? you need to think about that.

**Run a quick Yahoo or search for interior design courses and you will find something suitable I'm sure.

Best Regards to you & good luck!