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Summarize This Song Plz!?

In a project for school I have to do something about a song or poem, and have to mark it as one of the following categories :
Self Discovered
Searching for meaning
I am terrible at summarizing a song, which Im sure you all know what summarizing is... So could you please tell me which category this would go under, and could you shortly, but not to shortly summarize the whole song for me? Thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

first of all, don't expect an answer when you don't even post the song! haha. lucky for you i'm generous and looked it up.

this could be 3 different categories.

self discovered

---i categorized this by a male and a female, but they can be changed any way, i just needed a way to label them.
why i say love/hate
because obviously this woman/guy is in love witht heir significant other. BUT, they hate the fact that everything seems to be falling apart.

self discovered
perhaps the man in the relationship is discovering himself and realizing he is not really in love with the woman anymore. as he lives he is disovering new possibiltiies.

this i would say is the most obvious choice. obviously, the woman is being loyal, as to where it seems as if by the guy always leaving he is betraying her by always leaving. he is betraying her loyalty.

summary is simple
this song is about a woman who is still in love with a man. while the man is discovering new possibilites and slipping away from his love for the woman, the woman still feels strongly about him. he just dosen't feel the same.

i hope this helped!! anything else just let me know. id be glad to help.