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Ideas for a color poem?

Well i have to do two colors....each color one stanza long....and how many lines is a stanza? Well i want to do the colors Blue and Pink...and i have no clue how to has to also have a conclusion at the end....i have no clue how to start my poem off and if u can give me some websites that give u rhyming words to a word....thanks for oyur help'!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The average stanza is about 4 lines long, and depending on the structure and the number of syllables it could be longer. I just posted a poem that I made on the spot for a girl who needed a color poem too. Here's my attempt:

How can a color such as blue be used
To describe such a melancholy feeling?
This fact has made me feel very confused
Because this color gives me a sense of healing.

Pink is a bit harder because I am having a bit of trouble trying to relate to the color, but I hope my stanza on the color blue is a good start.