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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Can anyone answer the question of what does C.E. stand for in art class never ha


Can anyone answer the question of what does C.E. stand for in art class never had to take art so I'm lost.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

C.E. can mean many things, but in ref. to art, it will usually be related to a date or era. C.E., like B.C. or A.D. gives notation to the period for clarification. In this case, C.E. is for 'Current Era', or 'Christian Era' which is more neutral than the latin A.D., 'Anno Domini' meaning "In the year of our Lord". So if you are discussing a body of work such as the Greek sculpture Phidias circa 490 B.C. - 430 B.C., versus say Picasso and his blue period, 1901-1904 C.E.