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What is wrong with people these days??

right today in the news i heard that a couple of teenage girls after bashing a 7 year old girl and filming it put it in 'youtube website' moreover, a man sexually assaulted a 5 year old boy and that about 17 people died in Iraq
and after that i said how horrible and then i went to have my dinner i realized there is something missing in this world, dont you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

What's missing? Any depth of feeling for another human being is what's missing! It's with extreme sadness that we keep hearing of these horrendous acts being committed all over the world, such as you mentioned. Teenage girls hurting a young girl and they put this on "youtube"? They're criminally insane! They're old enough to know better, and certainly, if they dare to call themselves human beings - they should take a closer look at who they really are. What is the point of this act? To feel powerful, superior, what? Acts like these mirror what is filtering down through our societies to the future of our world, the youth, these teenage girls included. Where, in our modern tech-oriented world, is it shown that intellect, understanding, empathy or compassion are heralded as worthy attributes to possess? Our major media-driven sources of info and entertainment, routinely showcase violence, aggression, destruction, selfishness, greed, jealousy, revenge. Man's most negative traits are the most common theme to the majority of the most successful box-office busting movies. Now we can add acts of terrorism to the list of our accomplishments. The edge is being pushed to the extreme and we're pushing the envelope on a routine basis. No holds barred should be the motto for the 21st century! Damn human intellect and understanding! It takes too long! We're all in a hurry to get nowhere fast, and we're achieving that goal! Who thinks with compassion anymore? Ignorance and stupidity are rampant everywhere, as you mentioned. The constant daily bombings in Iraq and elsewhere throughout the Middle East truly indicate we have stopped being human and humane to one another. Innocent bystanders are caught in the crossfire or in the wrong place at the wrong time. This sickness is spreading like a wild fire to all corners of our globe. When will we come to our senses? Your question, "What is wrong with people these days?" is an extremely serious one. We've become sad in all aspects of our daily lives. It's all take, and no give! Let us hope the good among us can right the wrongs, someday, somehow! Continue to live your life as you would want others to live theirs. We lead by example! Where are the parents of those cruel teenage girls? They are in much need of love and guidance. People with love and understanding in their hearts would not be able to act in such debased, abusive ways. Something is sorely missing in their hearts and in their minds to exhibit such atrocious behavior toward another human being! It is almost beyond comprehension what "jollies" are to be gained??????Wars are obscene too. We still haven't figured that one out either! Killing one another to solve our problems...hmmm.....that's the easy way out! Too hard to use our little under-used brains to learn how to understand and live with one another? We are all very close to cancelling out the human race. And if our brains don't save us soon, we'll all be history!!! The insects are waiting in line to take over! They'll probably do a better job at running the planet than we are now! Come on people, before it's too late! Stop, look, and listen to one another, and really begin to understand!!!! No guns, no violence, just a meeting of minds, till understanding becomes the norm and the way!!!! We need to stop killing one another in the name of God, Allah, Lindsay Lohan or otherwise! You are so right in asking "What is wrong"???????