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What is the relationship between form and function in art?

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Something that looks good (form) and serves a useful purpose (function) make the person wielding or using that something proud to own it. He'll show it off to his friends. Then the friends will buy their own.

The relationship is the psychology of the one who beholds the form and function. Or something. I don't know what the hell I'm talking about and I don't know why professors have to keep giving us these difficult questions. They don't really make sense.

Can form have a relationship with function? What a bunch of ambiguous questions? Can they be more specific?

I happen to be struggling with an assignment, too: How can design improve the quality of life on the college campus?

I dunno how design can improve the quality of life on THIS college campus because we go to Eastern Connecticut, a college for students on a budget. If you want to look at a fine-looking college with nice designs all over to make you happy, take a look at UCONN, where the designers are well-paid!