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Have we reached the peak of western civilisation?

You know civilisations can last a long time and things like the egyptian one and roman ones etc. all died out so how about this one?

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Hardly close. This little police action in Iraq is nothing. It is not near as serious as Korea or Vietnam. It will gain even less space in the history books.
We have barely peaked. What our time is about is technology. I know I am preaching, but imagine this. I have several compters, digital cameras, electric car all the modern conveniences. Now the point is, there is new great things coming about everyday. I was 21 before I could afford a car. I was 22 before I owned a color TV. Technology is driving us to bigger and better things.

A little over 50 years passed between the Wright Brothers and the Moon Walk. Now the moon walk is old news. We are living longer and better.

I doubt we have peaked, I doubt your grandchildren's great grandchildren will see the peak.

Just one man's opinion.