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What is the art style of Susan Hillier?

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Susan Hillier

Botanical Illustration

Susan Hillier has been a professional artist since leaving art school in 1970. She has worked for the Royal Botanical Gardens in Kew as a Scientific Illustrator and has been awarded several medals from the Royal Horticultural Society. She is a founder and honorary member of the Society of Botanical Artists. Susan has extensive teaching experience of various art subjects at all levels of ability.

Here are a few of her art books:

The Complete Handbook of Garden Plants
Michael Wright. Michael Joseph/ Rainbird ISBN 07181 23077 (Co-artist)
Flora of Tropical East Africa
A.A. Balkema/ Rotterdam (Prepared at Royal Botanic Gardens Kew) ISBN 90 6191 3128 (Co-artist)
The Contained Garden
Beckett, Carr, Stevens. Sphere Books ISBN 07221 15512 (Co-artist)
The Organic Gardener
Bob Flowerdew. Hamlyn ISBN 0600 57461 X (Artist for Plant Illustrations)

For an example of her art see:

Also, the Timothy Taylor Gallery at 24 Dering Street in London handles some of her prints.