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How can I potray the following poem on film?

If your mirror breaks by Joy Kogawa

if when you are holding a
hand mirror when you are
sitting in the front seat of a car
and the mirror breaks
you must stop everything quickly
step on the brakes
leap from the car

if when you are holding in
your arms a mirror and you
feel the glass sudden in your veins
if your throat bleeds with
brittle words and
you hear in the distance the
ambulance siren

if your mirror bnreaks into
a tittering sound of tinkling glass
and you see the highway stretch
into a million staring splinters
you must stop everything gently
wait for seven long years
under a sky of whirling wheels

if your mirror breaks
oh if your mirror breaks

Additional Details

6 months ago
the film needs to be very do-able.
I'm interested in going byond the literary meaning with this poem.

6 months ago
this poem was NOT written by me. it is by Jow Kogawa.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Have your mirror be a twin.
Have her be harsh from within
Have her be a polar opposite
And I believe you will have a hit.