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What is the meaning of human existance on Earth and what is our goal?

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Each person has to answer/decide that for h/himself--if it's important to them. Most people seem to have an organized religious belief system that they accept that helps guide them. I did, but it gave way to having to find Devine Guidance on my own.

For me, as life went on, I realized that a series of problems encountered in my life, caused me to stop whining and complaining and finally accept responsibility for myself and my child. I found that it was my mind and emotions that I had to conquer; look at reality squarely; and do effective problem-solving. It was a learning process. Stopping the fear and feelings of helplessness; developing a positive frame of reference--a faith in a Higher Power; and through this process, developing a positive self-image and helping others the best we can. For me, this is my belief in the purpose of life: to become the best person I can be; care for others as myself; develop the talents and abilities we were given--SEARCH for them and they shall appear!