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What makes a great work of art?

some artist think whem they have created somthing that eveyone can relate to it but it just seems to the criticism of people to them its puzzleing of confusing and some artist create a work that people know what it is right of the back . does a great work of art only be somthing all people can relate to?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Art's success, for the most part is completely subjective. There are artworks, like the paintings of Jasper Johns for example which are just splatters on canvas, but have sold for millions. So, part of what makes a great work of art is WHO appreciates it. If the person who sees a work and loves it is Auntie May, well it will end up on a fridge somewhere. If, on the other hand, Auntie May happens to be the director of the Metropolitan Museum, then you art has a better chance of being exposed to a greater segment of the population, some of whom will like it and buy it.