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Please read this and tell me what you think?

I wrote this today:

Its different
Not a huge change
To the rest of
The world
But to me its

I cant sleep or
Stay awake
I cant look or look away
I cant cry but I cant

You??ve moved
somewhere new
To someone else
You tell me
but it has

I still see you
You look the same
Happier even
But I??m not

I want to fall asleep
Never wake up
I want to run as fast as I can
Into a dream
Somewhere were no one exists
Stay there
Fly there

Additional Details

5 months ago
I also want to know what you think the topic is its interesting to see what people take out of it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I really liked what you wrote and the way you wrote it. Anyone would understand if they had been jilted by someone just when they thought the relationship was going along just fine. He says, "Nothing has changed." Ha! Everything would be changed with him out of the picture. It would hurt so bad you would want to climb into a dream for awhile and not even think about it. Love Hurts----