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My crazy book report!!!?

i have a book repeprt where i have to read Motown and Didi (Walter Dean Myers) and i have to make a cereal box out of it...The name of the cereal has to be like the title of the book (ex Motown and Didi-o's) ANY SUGGESTIONS?!?!

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5 months ago
I have to read Motown and Didi (a book by Walter Dean Myers) and then i have to make a cereal box about it, the name of the cereal has to be Motown and Didi, except i have to add somthing to make it sound like cereal (ex Motown and Didi-o's) and other name suggestion?!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Didi-o's Motown Mix Cereal

Walnuts, Dates and Mush
(Water Dean Meyers)