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I watch pornography so often.Is that ok for my health?

Hemm..I just want to know about the effect of watching pornography.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

On the whole I would say that there is no real harm; UNLESS, pornography begins to replace a real, healthy sex life. If you forgo sex with your mate, or forgo attempting to establish a relationship because you feel that pornography satisfies your sexual needs, then you need to back off the porno and re-evaluate your priorities. If you truly find that masturbation with pornography is better than normal sex with a partner, you may even have created a situation that requires intervention with a medical professional. However, if you have a normal sex life, or are persuing a normal sex life and use porno and masturbation as a release in the interim or as an occasional outlet, then I don't think it's a problem unless you are subconciously feeling guilty due to some antiquated religious mores.