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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Does anyone have an interpretation of the poem "Romance Somnambulo" by


Does anyone have an interpretation of the poem "Romance Somnambulo" by Federico Garcia Lorca?

follow-up questions:
1.)what kind of situation is portrayed in the poem
2.)What is the significance of the repedition of the word "green"? What does it symbolize?
3.)In the poem, to what does the "moon" stand for?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The young gypsy girl is alive in the beginning. The color green shifts from
life to death from the beginning to the ending of the poem. Every night she
waits for him, never knowing if he will return alive. This night, he is late,
and hearing all the commotion in the countryside, she believes he has been
killed, so she kills herself.....
tragic love story...