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Position:Home>General - Arts & Humanities > Please, I'd like to know, what kind of female is worth getting to know from the


Please, I'd like to know, what kind of female is worth getting to know from the opposite sex like me.?

I've been looking for the needle in the hay stack, a woman who is out there who I'll let be herself and, it matters not if she doesn't know how to cook, sew, or smell flowers, just as long as, from the day she was born to this point in time, just as long as she is her own individuality without negative influence. Come on, you know what I mean. Oh, and a true lady to me is, and I don't care what you think because this is right out of my heart, a true lady is ex-president Clinton's wife, thee honorable Mrs. H. Clinton. Another true lady? Sure, okay, another true lady is Julia Roberts.
Thank you, oh, and Alicia Keys.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You certainly put the "pair" in paradox! You describe one thing at top and another at bottom. You must make up your mind. The women you choose are well beyond normal, though they are in many ways excellent role models. I personally don't trust Mrs. Clinton as far as I can throw my computer, because she it the essence of "politician" which is someone who would sell their own mother for a vote.
Alicia Keys, on other hand, has risen to the top in a very hard business and is an excellent performer.

I think the best female to know is, like you said, someone who knows herself and has the courage to live it, no matter how she does or does not fit into the traditional image of womanhood.

But you also want honesty, the ability to be emotionally intimate, who can also support your dreams and endeavors, and who--along with you--would be a good parent if you went in that direction.

Most of all, you want a woman who thinks you are a man worth getting to know.

You didn't ask where to meet such a lovely creature. That's the hardest part, and you didn't even ask it!

Good luck!

Love is where it's at!