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What do you think of this?

blue skies beckoning
a new beginning
to every end
yet one must try
if there is no optimism
there is no continuum

life is what you make of it
except when Gods will
is implemented

you are but a fresh canvas
on which the colors of fate
are painted
played out to its end.

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5 months ago
Do you think the last line should be kept in?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think you should take the last line off. A canvas or painting cannot be played. I think also think the last stanza is simply more powerful without it.

i like the two ideas i found in it. 1. that if you think negatively, you will get yourself nowhere, and 2. that you can make your own life, but fate and God have certain things planned out for you.

I'm not sure about the first three lines. I don't like them much and i think you could've put something a bit more relevent to the rest of the ideas in the poem.

like the words and images!