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Can you still act emo without hurting yourself?

okee. well I have this kid in my class. she dresses all emo and scary, but the thing is that she doesn't cut or hurt herself. And she still calls herself emo and so does everyone else in the class. I thought that emo means that you get so emotional that you hurt yourself. so, is my friend really emo or not?
and is it possible to be emo, but not hurt yourself?

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5 months ago
OoOooooOo.. I C NOW. wowo. im slow.
but thanx!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Self-mutilation has nothing to do with being emo. Emo is a trend like ska, punk, goth, etc. Self-mutilation is a personal choice that is completely unrelated. Just like the fact that not all witches cast spells.