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Ever written a Haiku poem?

Haikus have very specific form. It's supposed to be 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables.

Here's one of mine:

Senses like a flower
Spreading out towards me now
Giving warmth and joy

Is it any good? Somebody who knows please comment!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Haiku is my favorite poetry genre! I've written a few, and they're not bad if I say so myself. In school, the only thing they really tel you is that the syllable count has to be just right. IMO, the no. of syllables is unimportant--a few more, a few less--no biggie. What's important is the concept of fitting as much meaning into as few words as possible, and it's not as easy as one might think. A good haiku--oh, it's a thing of beauty.

As for yours, it's a good attempt. not the best, but promising. Imagine being frozen in a moment of time. focus your attention on a few central images. The Japanese traditionally use nature images (as you did, good) and feelings of transience. Read the old masters: Isso, Bashoo...

keep writing!