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What inspired Piet Mondrian's paintings, What were his influences?

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Hey Lil Missy,

Spirit can move mountains, Mondrian's belief in and practice of spiritual influences led to his art.

"1872-1944 Mondrian's art was always intimately related to his spiritual and philosophical studies. 1908, he became interested in the theosophical movement launched by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky in the late 19th century. Blavatsky believed that it was possible to attain a knowledge of nature more profound than that provided by empirical means, and much of Mondrian's work for the rest of his life was inspired by his search for that spiritual knowledge.

Mondrian and his later work were deeply influenced by the 1911 Moderne Kunstkring exhibition of Cubism in Amsterdam. His search for simplification is shown in two versions of "stilleven met gemberpot" ("still life with ginger pot"). The 1911 version[1] is Cubist, in the 1912 version[2] it is reduced to a round shape with triangles and rectangles."