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Help with my story?

I have to write a story pertaining to energy or something like that in the future, it could be tomorrow or in years.

I was thinking about a guy that lives in a world that is so polluted that the world has built some sort of environement in which we basially live in plastic tunnels throughout the city, like subways for people to walk, drive, etc.most of the animals are extincts except for the ones kept in the city zoos. A lot of people have been killed by storms. Most of New England has been flooded and the character moves to Nevada where it is suppose to be warm but is now a snowy environment. The weather is all screwed up. Oil has become so scare that people flee to Alaska, the only source left like people searching for gold in CA in the 1800s.

So the character would be transported to a world in which it is the opposite.

I was also thinking about having the character live in the clean world and then the world turns into the polluted world. But I need a purpose for my

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5 months ago
character. Any other ideas are helpful, i probably have to end up doing the second one, since my teacher wants this to be as realistic as possible. So no magic or transporting. But we can use time-travel.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think you're trying to take it too far, too sci-fi. This:

"I was thinking about a guy that lives in a world that is so polluted that the world has built some sort of environement in which we basially live in plastic tunnels throughout the city, like subways for people to walk, drive, etc.most of the animals are extincts except for the ones kept in the city zoos. A lot of people have been killed by storms. Most of New England has been flooded and the character moves to Nevada where it is suppose to be warm but is now a snowy environment. The weather is all screwed up. Oil has become so scare that people flee to Alaska, the only source left like people searching for gold in CA in the 1800s."

is great. Go with that. Describe these things form your character's point of view and go from there describing a few of the daily hassles and difficulties with this lifestyle. Perhaps your main character could speak with an elderly person about how things used to be...