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Can someone help me make these poems better???????

ok these are a few peoms i did at school long time ago in the beging of the year
we have to do a project that has us have all the stuff we writen this year and revese it .etc now i finished these 2 but i was hopeing that somone could tell me if i should add anything or fix anything in them

What will I be

When I grow up I will be famous
A rock star, a singer
A actress

Everyone keeps asking
Will you be a toad asking for directions on the road

When I grow up I will be the same as I am


Last night I had a dream
I dreamed that I was in a different world
There were fairies flying
There was a chicken that talked
There was a there were mermaids in my kitchen
A elephant that had its own apartment
There were witches getting melted away
I felt as if I was in Never Land
When I woke up this morning I was flying to the netherlands

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I'm not touching the first poem, but I see a couple places in the second poem that need some help.


Last night I had a dream
I dreamed I was in a different world
There were fairies flying
There was a talking chicken
There were mermaids in my kitchen
A elephant had its own apartment
There were witches melting away
I felt as if I was in Never Land
When I woke up this morning I was flying to the Netherlands