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Can Someone Pleaaaase Tell me........!!!!???Sketch SET! HELPP?

Ok. I got a sketch set today,it came with the following:(I do not know what these items are used for since I just got it) Sandpaper Block ? Tortillion ? And Soft and Medium Charcoal pencils???
Please help. I want to use these items but in the correct way.
Thank You,

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Calm and take a deep breath. I've been in art classes so I know what these are for.

Sandpaper block: to use to both sharpen charcoal pencils, and to clean your eraser

Tortillian: made of newspaper-like material. It's used to smudge or blend. Normally, I just use my finger because I find it works better, but this is best for finer points. Though you can buy different sizes.

Soft Charcoal: to make charcoal pencils, the charcoal is compressed into a powder. the looser it is, the darker. It's called 'soft'. This is best to be used for dramatic lines and total darkness. Medium is a step up and is basically used all around.

If there are any other items, let me know and I'll try to help.